Now in the final throes of trying to squeeze many fleeces into a bag, I'm very pleased to announce that SmartestEnergy has kindly agreed to sponsor my expedition too.

SmartestEnergy, a subsidiary of Marubeni Corporation, has a passion for reducing carbon emissions and driving a smarter transition to a global net-zero. Over their 20 year history they have been supplying their customers with power from small, independent, mostly renewable energy producers, including those farmers with a single wind turbine - making them the largest purchaser of electricity from the independent renewal sector and the first supplier in the UK to supply renewable electricity with support from the Carbon Trust.
Origami has been partnering with Smartest for several years and I've enjoyed being directly involved with their teams, helping them to use their flexible assets more effectively and working alongside projects looking to maximise efficiencies in the renewables space. I'm therefore really excited to have the opportunity to extend that relationship to the Expedition.
With operations in the US and Australia, Smartest understands the global nature of the challenge to decarbonise and ahead of COP26 were key sponsors of the UK's first Net-Zero Week. They ran a series of events and activities to highlight the government's ambitious targets for 2035. I'm looking forward to being part of their future events, sharing the learnings from the trip and helping them to promote the importance of renewable energy and practical climate action in the fight against climate change.