Today we got going with some of the lectures: an introduction to climate science by David Hone; Michele Malejki, Global Head of Social Impact Programs for corporate sustainability at Hewlett Packard (HP), and Expedition Sustainability Director shared an example of work they have done to take bottles off the ground in Haiti and recycle them into their products; and Jeff Bonaldi shared the challenges of organising an Expedition on this scale with the many twists and turns thrown up by Covid.
After lunch we then got bussed up to the Martial Glacier for our first hike involving snow and ice! Given that Cambridgeshire is pretty flat the first bit in particular was slow going but the mountains were beautiful and worth the effort!

Again so many interesting conversations. I'm feeling very provincial - I always thought I was reasonably well travelled but so many people have lived in multiple countries and speak multiple languages I just don't compare!