Things are fairly busy so I've not had much time to update this. I'm desperately trying to put a few pics/thoughts from the last couple of days before we lose internet on our way to Antarctica tomorrow! Our first day of content started with a leisurely breakfast. We're all split into groups named after penguins (I'm in King!) with slightly different schedules to keep us socially distanced and we got the late start. The Kings and the Macaronis then met up outside and went off for a group hike. A lot was the same route as I'd done the previous day but this time completing the circle.

We also had an introductory circle finding out who we are and where we are all from and why we've come (short answer: all over the globe with a massive variety of backgrounds and motivations)

We also started to meet the leadership team, hearing once again the amazing story of Rob's first expedition to the south pole (spoilers: he made it but with some amazing tales to tell)

I've had so many conversations with people - with so many nationalities and interests represented there are so many discussions around the topics of climate change and Antarctica.
The weather is changing about every 10 mins - at one point there was a reasonably heavy snow shower and it was great to see the people who've not seen snow before out enjoying it! However this is an unsnowy panorama of Ushuaia!