In some ways I never thought I'd make it to this day. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster over the last 3 months: fundraising, making I've got all the things I need, riding the covid-waves, as well as trying to do the day job at Origami and be Mum at home.
But I have made it this far! I did my negative covid test (antigen only - am still staying away from PCRs as it's less than 7 weeks since I had it), have got my NHS covid pass, filled in the necessary paperwork for entry into Argentina and checked in for my flight. I've also used offset the carbon emissions for my flight using Trace - I had a lovely chat in the run up to the expedition with Joanna, one of the co-founders, about the work they are doing.

I'm meeting Dej, my cabin mate as we transition through Buenos Aires airport tomorrow. Am hoping the wonders of technology will enable us to find each other for real - we were initially introduced by a mutual friend: Dej is the cousin of husband of a friend (Gill) of my university housemate. Gill had spotted that we were both heading to Antarctica and when it transpired it was the same expedition she put us in touch with each other.
On Saturday we received the brief biography introductions for the whole team who are going to be on the Expedition. It was great to get my first taste of the depth and breadth of partipicants. It really is a global team with a wide range of ages (13 - ??) and experiences so should be fascinating. We have a slightly longer period in Ushuaia than originally planned (to become a covid "bubble") so hopefully we'll have time to get to know each other (covid precautions permitting) before we enjoy whatever the Drake Passage throws at us . But it's almost time for me to head to the airport now so I'd better go and do a final check. It still doesn't quite seem real and I'm not sure it will until I'm actually on the boat but - wow - it's actually happening! I'm looking forward to updating this as things get underway....