So this time next week I'm ether gong to be in a state of Zen-like calm with bags ready to go or, more likely, desperately planning a last minute dash to the shops to get something I've forgotten. To be fair, my flight isn't until Monday evening so even factoring in a drive to Heathrow I'll have a bit of time for last minute additions or preparations.

People keep asking whether I'm all ready and to be honest I've no idea - although I think I must be. I've got several lists on the go and over the last few weeks I've been slowly amassing a large pile of layers mostly mine/borrowed/or bought from the likes of ebay/Vinted. There have then been a few brand new things - things like waterproof trousers and waterproof gloves that'll be essential for the trips ashore and the trips out in the Zodiacs.
I've also had to think about some what ifs, especially for sailing across the Drake Passage which has been described as "either the Drake Lake or the Drake Shake". I've no idea how good a sailor I am - I think the last time I experienced a rough crossing was across channel ferry aged about 8, and compared to my Dad (who's inability to cope with anything more than a millpond is the stuff of family legend) I was fine. My Mum has shared a theory that if you can stand on one leg with your eyes closed, you're less likely to suffer (I'd love to attribute a source but I've no idea....). Whilst I'm not terrible at it, I'm not relying on this to see me trhough so have stocked up on medication, ginger capsules, anti nausea wrist bands and mints that have variously been recommended. I'll let you know how I get on!
There have also been a couple of key bits of equipment I've needed. Firstly a camera to try and capture some of the amazing scenery and wildlife I'm hoping to see. I've been trying a couple that family have offered to lend for the trip but have plumped for a new-to-me Panasonic bridge camera with a great optical zoom. I haven't had very long to learn how to use it and am still figuring out how to make it focus on exactly what I want it to but I've got another week :-D. I also am waiting for some some close fitting sunglasses to protect my eyes from the UV and glare. As a prescription glasses wearer my choice has been somewhat limited but I've ordered some close fitting prescription sunglasses. Unfortunately the first pair I ordered didn't look like they were going to arrive in time so I had to resort to a back up plan. Fingers crossed that at least one of them will arrive in Cambridge early this week so that I can tick that off the list of things to worry about.
Still very much on the list to worry about is the ever present Covid. Whilst the UK government has relaxed restrictions Argentina is still requiring masks and social distancing and we've been advised, somewhat disappointingly, that we're going to have to wear masks in all communal areas on the boat. There's also a pre-boarding Covid testing plan that's been shared to make sure that the trip stays Covid-free. I'm really hoping that 3 jabs plus having had it in January, along with masks, hand washing and sanitiser will be enough. It will absolutely gutting to get all the way out there and then not be able to join the Expedition.
One (or rather three) things I haven't really mentioned on here, are my family who are letting me go and take part in this adventure. My youngest embraced the opportunity to be in my initial crowdfunder video although I'm very sorry to be missing her school production (and looking forward to seeing the video of it on my return). My eldest has been far less keen on the idea of me disappearing for nearly three weeks but I think he's grudgingly come round to it now. However none of this would have been possible without the support of my partner, who has seen me through the rollercoaster (ie stress!) of fundraising and preparations and will be taking on my share of parental duties and housekeeping while I'm away. Thank you for your support and encouragement xxx